
Une manière innovante de réduire les spams sur votre site Internet

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Une manière innovante de réduire les spams sur votre site Internet

Une manière innovante de réduire les spams sur votre site Internet

December 27, 2015

What we wanted

As you may have noticed, we’ve recently launched our brand new website. And as a web development agency, the contact form is our primary channel for leads creation. We wanted to keep it as simple as possible to let our customers get in touch with us without any unnecessary hassle.

The issue

The contact form was quickly used by spammers, filling our inbox with unwanted and useless e-mails, and costing us time and energy to handle.

Existing solution

The most common way to avoid those annoying e-mails is to use CAPTCHAs, because users are familiar with it. However we didn’t want to force our customers to fill in this additional input: the user could be driven to stop his action because of this too complicated contact form.

Our solution

After some research, we found out that since bots are basically computers they manage to visit our website and send a successful contact request in less than 5 seconds. Our idea was to set a timer, in order to block the requests that are suspicious.

In your Rails app, this means adding the following code to the application configuration:

Rails.application.config.antispam_timer = 30

In our case, the number the antispam_timer is set to 30 seconds. You can now add time-related information to the user session in your application controller using a before_filter, like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :anti_spam

def anti_spam
session['antispam_timer'] ||=


Finally, you can use this information in your contact request controller. This is how we used it:

class ContactRequestsController < ApplicationController
def create
# checking for contact spam
contact_spam = false
time_to_comment = - session['antispam_timer'].to_time
if time_to_comment < Rails.application.config.antispam_timer
spam_logger.warn("There is potential spam detected
for IP #{request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']}. Antispam
threshold not reached (took #{time_to_comment.to_i}s).")
spam_logger.warn("Params were : #{params}")
contact_spam = true
# U can use the contact_spam boolean to check
# if you have to send or not your mail.

For your information, there exists another solution, implemented in a Rails gem: Honeypot CAPTCHA. Practically, it adds a hidden field in your form that must stay empty as the user isn’t able to see it, but that bots will actually fill. Then in your backend controller you can easily check if the request is coming from a real user or from a bot.

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