
Introducing our newest product: Monassoc

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Introducing our newest product: Monassoc

Introducing our newest product: Monassoc

Nicolas Jacobeus
May 22, 2009

This week, we released the new website for our web application called Monassoc.

What is Monassoc?

In a few words, Monassoc is a hosted platform/CMS for associations and groups. It allows you to create a blog, a forum, pages, photo galleries, and manage events and members in only a few clicks. It is oriented towards simplicity and usability.

Monassoc is the result of several months of hard work with our friends at Deaxon. Although we released the application itself as a beta version on April 2nd, it was still lacking a proper corporate site; this has now be achieved.

What is so special about Monassoc?

From a user’s point of view, we have put all our efforts to provide maximum ease of use. The application aims small associations with no technically skilled people, and it was thus very important for us to make it as straightforward to use as possible. We have tried to use best practices regarding graceful degradation and accessibility.

From a development point of view, we have used only state-of-the-art tools and practices. The application runs on Ruby on Rails 2.3 and is hosted on an Nginx HTTP server using Phusion Passenger. It makes uses of jQuery for client-side scripting, and Haml/Sass for templating. Testing is provided with RSpec and Cucumber.

What is planned?

For the moment, the application only offers free accounts, with no dedicated support. It is also only available in French and proposes a single visual theme.

We are currently working on additional features, some of which will be part of different paying plans. We will keep you updated on our progress during the next following months. In the meanwhile, feel free to try and help us improve Monassoc. Thanks!

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